
 Meet Drop!

She’s water!

You actually know Drop quite well already. She is all around you and inside you! Drop is part of every moment of your life as she keeps you and your body moving. Drop keeps your muscles working, your blood pumping and your brain thinking! Drop is all about keeping the flow.



flow 〰️

Let’s get to know Drop a little better!

First, let’s drink some water…

Did you know your body is made of trillions of cells? Scientists guess that we have about 30 trillion living cells in our bodies. That’s 30,000,000,000,000! All those tiny cells are what make you you! And each and every one of those cells needs water to live. In fact, you are made mostly of water! How much of your body is water? That depends on a few things, but most adults are about 60% water, kids are about 65% water, and babies are up to 78% water! Let’s have a glass of water right now to get our cells flowing!



flow 〰️

Then, let’s do some quick math…

Drop knows there are 4730 drops of water in an 8-ounce cup. So if you drink 10 cups of water per day, how many drops of water do you drink daily?

Over forty-seven thousand?! Whoa! That’s a lot of drops!!

So, wait, how much water should you drink a day? Well, Drop says that depends on how big you are. Different creatures need different amounts of water. If you are human, you can find out how much water you should drink daily right here with this Water Intake Calculator! ——>——>——>——>——>——>——>—— (refresh page if needed) ——>——>——>——>

Now, let’s gather supplies…

Once you’re all hydrated and feeling fresh and ready, let’s make art with Drop! This is a fun project you can do at home or in the classroom.

Supplies needed:

  1. Blue ink (India ink is best, but food coloring will do in a pinch!)

  2. Water (just a tiny splash in a cup, about 1 tablespoon)

  3. Dropper

  4. Water-absorbent paper (mixed-media paper or watercolor paper—it must be absorbent)

  5. A fine felt-tip pen in black

  6. A straw

And now, let’s drop Drop!

Add ink to your water to get the level of blue that you want. Mix 4-5 drops of ink per tablespoon of water (if you’re using food coloring, add 15 drops at least!).

Fill your dropper with your blue solution and drop away! Experiment with dropping the Drops from different heights to see how the shapes change.

Drop looks calm and sleepy when you drop her just a couple inches from the paper, but she looks more and more energetic the higher you go!

When you drop two or three Drops on the same spot, they splatter even more!

Blow on Drop to make her spread out and form her evaporation shape!

Use the straw for extra precision!

And to make rain, hold the paper at a tilt and squeeze out a bunch of Drops from your dropper!! Make it RAIN!!

Let your Drops dry thoroughly before using your felt-tip marker to add features and arms.

When drawing Drop’s features, get creative! Make her dance and wiggle! Make her happy, sad, sleepy or sassy! Make her play with her friends! The options are endless because Drop can do anything!!

And so can you!!!

Water Intake Calculator